Monday, November 21, 2011

Keep Em' Coming

It's almost over,
and yet I have a long way to go

Wow, i can't believe it. My first semester of University is almost over and although i am so excited for it to end, i can't get to ahead of myself; i still have 3 more years to go. Soon my entire university career will be completed and i can finally enter into the world as a professional actress; thank goodness. When you think about it... 3 more years?? That seems like forever, but just like my first semester it is going to fly by quickly, so not thinking about it helps time speed faster.

I submitted my new schedule for the winter season and already people feel like there is much work ahead of us compared to this semester. But, of course i looks can be deceiving. Despite, all the negative vibes i have been getting from people around me I believe in God. I believe in remaining positive. If God can help me through my first semester, he will guide me through all of University. Who says I can't be successful? Of course i can. As long as i believe in myself and most importantly God, i can always expect a positive beginning and completion. It's about faith and thats what i live by daily.

Saturday, April 9, 2011



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Breathe it in

Before, i leave high school my want to join as many on stage performances as i can. I remember Mrs. Thomas telling us that we need to join a high school play as apart of our experiences. She is right. The more i see the stage, the more i want to be on it. My four years in high school have been great, but being apart with my acting academy class was what made me want to come to school. My life is acting. I have always known that is what i wanted to do and that is all i know. I feel blessed to love the arts as much as i do. Therefore, my goal is to join as much on stage performances as possible. As much as the end of high school gets exciting. It also becomes upsetting. I give God thanks for my experiences here. If it weren't for God and Mrs. Thomas i wouldn't have the opportunities that i do right now.


Mrs. Thoma has always inspired us to find music that is inspirational, and she is right. It is always fun to listen to music, but sometimes you want to hear something that can make your soul feel good. I really like older music to be honest because it find it more interesting and has a story behind it. I am the kind of person that is most likely humming an 80's song rather than any modern day song.
I really enjoy it and i feel unique that i enjoy music that some people my age wouldn't know as well.

Lets go!

Seeking representation is a big part of becoming a professional artist. Since, i take my dreams seriously I really should start searching. I have been researching and I have found some really good choice, one of which is Max agency. I heard that they were searching and of course, i want to jump for the opportunity. There is so much to do in so little time, but i feel like i have everything under control. Its all about making the time and i will. Searching for casting calls was also an interesting experience and i was very blessed to get to be apart of A Christmas Redemption. The journey has just began and me and Soul Visionary Productions will achieve our dreams.

Friday, December 31, 2010


Another year, another revolution that may or may not be fulfilled

I cant not believe that another year is passing us by already. It seems like time is just going so fast. Although i like to be busy, part of me wants time to freeze so i can enjoy specific moments. I kind of wished that time would go backwards instead of forwards to take some time to re-live memories. Now, that a new year is coming up the traditional 'new years revolution' is brought up. I always have trouble committing to my revolution. I want to continue to grow as a better person, and in many ways i have grown a lot so far and i thank god for that. A new year, means a change for the better. My mom has already come up with her revolution plans. But for now, i am not going to stress over what mine will be tonight if it doesn't come to me. I have a whole year to think about it. After all, a new year's revolution is something that you work towards and that it were accomplishment comes in.