Friday, December 31, 2010


Another year, another revolution that may or may not be fulfilled

I cant not believe that another year is passing us by already. It seems like time is just going so fast. Although i like to be busy, part of me wants time to freeze so i can enjoy specific moments. I kind of wished that time would go backwards instead of forwards to take some time to re-live memories. Now, that a new year is coming up the traditional 'new years revolution' is brought up. I always have trouble committing to my revolution. I want to continue to grow as a better person, and in many ways i have grown a lot so far and i thank god for that. A new year, means a change for the better. My mom has already come up with her revolution plans. But for now, i am not going to stress over what mine will be tonight if it doesn't come to me. I have a whole year to think about it. After all, a new year's revolution is something that you work towards and that it were accomplishment comes in.


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