Thursday, October 21, 2010

Filled to be emptied.

I am unique, one of a kind.
I have a destiny, a calling.
I am Rochelle

I recently stumbled upon a quote that a friend of mine posted on her Facebook status. It gave an incredible 'aha' moment and was quite beautiful. It made me realize that I am given a calling, a divine purpose in life that given all my talents I am to use it to create an impact on the world and within myself. The quote states that 'When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything you gave me." This is what I inspire to do, use every talent, ability and opportunity that the lord gives me. I am blessed with so many abilities that many people are not aware of, and maybe I am not aware of. What I dislike greatly is when I see people limit themselves and hide their talent. It could be that I do not like that because as a Christian I was raised with the understanding of using what god gave you. Despite the fact that I know to use my gifts, it was a reminder to never lose sight of that.God took his time to form me and create me into something beautiful and I want to share that beauty with the world. My goal in life is to use every gift that I have and not let it pass me by. I want to be able to say exactly or on the lines of "I used everything you gave me." I know for sure that God would be proud of me and I would be proud of myself.


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