Monday, February 22, 2010

Long Steps.

Mimco Silk Scarf, Button Front Trousers from, Vintage Bag from Camberwell Market

Part of me is anxious to go to University. I want to start my career as soon as i come out of high school. However, i am still deciding am i going to live on Campus or live at home? The cool thing about living on campus in that i am in the heart of the city skyline but,that can also be the frighting thing. Cause living on campus is a big step for me. If i live at home i get to see my family everyday rather than some days. The hard thing about all these decisions is that i need to make them by end of the school year: June.

The road to University is a long step that is creeping up faster than ever. It can seem overwhelming. But since i have everything figured out beside residence i am not totally freaking out. I vision my school life; just like the picture above: Sophisticated. Which is what i want :). As time moves faster, i realize that i am no longer a little girl anymore, i am an adult. It is exciting yet, nerve racking to call myself that cause i never expected to hear myself say those words. At least, not yet, not so soon. My parents have been given away freedom to me and are expecting more which to is expected as you get older. It feels weird sometimes though. I have had those moments where i wish i was a kid again just having fun, carefree with no worries and at times, i am glad that i am older. The fact is that time does not wait for us the way we wish it would. Even when we are not ready it basically says: "too bad." That is why we have to embrace every second we are giving and realize that it will not come back.

We all have those regrets that we had managed time better or did something else instead. But instead of regretting the past move on from it because at this very moment you are given a chance to do something that you will be grateful for. As my future comes closer i want to use my time up until then to do something that will change my life, open my eyes, uplift me and make me a better person. As i start to do that,then i will be ready for University.

I will be ready to be an adult.


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