Growing up my mother would always tell me live one day at a time. I had so many dreams and aspirations that i would always plan for the future, but we all know that we cannot live for the future. In other words, i was missing out on my present focusing too much on the future. But what if the future does not go as far as my plans because of Gods arrival. Yesterday is gone, but tomorrow may never be mine. This being said, i have created a Bucket list of what i would like to accomplish before i meet my maker.
1. retire my parents
2. Grow stronger as a Christian( be ready for heaven)
3. Allow my mother to live with me
4. go to Ryerson university or USC and then move to LA as a successful actress, media production, singer and journalist.
5. win an Oscar
6. travel all around the world
7. buy a vacation home for my parents and me in Europe and go there with my whole family.
8. Be an humanitarian
9. Be on the cover of a magazine
10. Create my own production company
11. Buy my dream home/ design my dream home
12. Donate to numerous charities.
13. Go on tour with my family (music)
14. Write a mystery/ horror novel
15. Be a legend- an inspiration
16. Go to space
17. Learn more instruments
These are what I aspire to do before the Lord comes. Each day i live i want to make an impact. As the bible says faith without works is nothing as well as works without faith. With my faith i want to be able to impact the lives of others. I have 17 goals because the number stands for my mothers day of birth. I am incredibly close to my mom and i have seen her give and not expect or want anything. She is one of my inspirations and a wonderful women of God. I give God thanks that i have her in my life and one of my goals was for her to live with my because i cannot separate myself from her. God really uses her to speak into my life and i love having that around. God bless,