Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's all for you

Do you remember?
The lives lost.
The sacrifices made.
The tears that were shed.

Do you remember?
The Fear in their eyes
The bravery that they had
And the freedom that we have?

How will you remember?

Often times, we need to remember, that without the brave men and women of our past. We would not have freedom. November 11 marks the day that we are to honor the lives that were sacrificed for our future. We must also, remember the families and friends who had to deal with hard news and the bravery and strength the men and women showed in hope of a better tomorrow. It inspires me that we have Canadian's willing to protect and empower their country. They stood up, and made an iconic impact on the country and the world itself.

Fletcher's Meadow Secondary School, created a impacting video presentation on Remembrance Day. It was nice to see different artistic mediums such as singing and drama to evoke a message of remembrance. It was really interesting and I enjoyed looking back on what I have learned and I realize that I am blessed to be here today. The poppy represents the blood that was shed from fallen soldiers and it is a beautiful symbol of honor and inspiration. I challenge everyone to seek change in the world. Be the change and always remember that what you do now can change the future.

In the Flanders Field
By: John McCrae May 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I wanted to capture a story through photography that would explore deeper into the issue of homelessness. I wanted to learn more about the human condition and the environment around them: the streets of Toronto. The next chapter of my assignment was to create a media presentation on my story to our class. The question I asked is, where does homeless begin? I learned that homelessness is not just a series of bad choices that has led to this outcome, sometimes you have no choice. The message that i want everyone to remember is that homelessness can be anyone reality and that we are fortunate to have what we need. People who have lost their job, have limited money and experiencing metal and physical illness or injury can be homeless. Everyone has their story. I also, want to challenge the class to think past what society perceives homelessness to be. Just a smile can make a difference in someones life.

Let's get started

'The Interview' begins now..

Over the past week, we have been working on scripted scenes. I was partnered with Sophia and we chose a very interesting scene scenario called 'The Interview.' It was about a young girl named Nancy who commits a murder as an act of anger to a convicted rapist that harmed her sister. Nancy believes that her intended actions has saved everyone else from possible misery that she felt. Nancy request an interview with a female reporter named Jackie King to help her clear her name. With two different perspectives on the case, the reporter can not see through Nancy's vigilantism to help her. At the end, they come to an agreement to meet each other half way without contradicting anyone. This concept reminded me of the movie Se7en starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. It was also, based around vigilantism and the detectives( Pitt and Freeman) different perspectives.

Nancy was played by Sophia Nguyen and the reporter, Jackie King was played by me (Rochelle Erskine). I really liked this scripted scene because it was very different. I enjoyed being able to put the emotion behind the words and create something powerful. It was great working with Sophia as well. Sophia and myself were prepared in pre-production planning; however, we could have been more prepared. We had realistic white noise from a county lock up to create the setting of the scene as well as music. We were also prepared with props. The post- production went really well. But, what I would change is making more report to the audience. At times, I felt like I was looking down to much when I was around the table and I could have done better for-frontal acting. Overall, I think that my performance could have been alot better. I will take the notes I have given myself and what Mrs. Thomas has and use it for my future performances. I learned alot from this experience.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Speak to me

Generation to Generation

Line Knitwear is a new clothing company that specializes in high end hand knit clothing. The clothes are beautifully created and the prices are reasonable for its value. Interestingly enough, the brand originates in Canada. Line Knitwear is inspirational and I would love to invest in clothing that I can keep forever. I was inspired to purchase clothing that would speak to me. Clothing that would build my wardrobe with lasting impressionable pieces. There are many 'trendy shoppers' out there; people who buy clothing for the season and then give them away within a year. I know that I used to do that. However, I have changed.

Since, i do not always go to the mall i become very picky of what i purchase. This could have been a result of my desire to find something that would speak to me. Something that i feel in my spirit that i must have.When my mentor, introduced me to Line Knitwear she spoke about passing things down to generations to come. I was inspired that when i invest something as unique and valuable, that could be passed down within your family and it would stay within the family. It is similar to having a story that you share with your family. I am very excited to go to Line Knitwear very soon. For now, i am going to look at the site over again and decided what i want to be prepared. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Once upon a time

Make a story
Share a story
Live a story

What is your story? Everyone has a story which has shaped them to become who they are today. When you hear the quote 'do not judge a book by its cover' you realize that sometimes what a person looks like on the outside, does not tell you who they are on the inside. I was inspired to think deeper. Be deeper. Soul Visionary Productions and myself went vintage shopping a couple of weeks ago. We learned that vintage clothing is not just used, but most importantly has a story. It makes you wonder, how old is this shirt? Where has it been? What has it gone through? What is its story? Along the vintage store experience, we also witnessed homelessness and poverty. Sometimes, you look at homeless people and think that they are there because of bad choices they have made. But, that does not go for all homeless people. Each person has a story that has led them to their situation.

I challenge you to think about a story, think about your story. Think about the people around you and how you can make a difference or change society's perspective on things such as homelessness. I believe that a story is what makes you interesting. It is what can inspire people to be better humans. So remember, create your story, share a story and live a story. Be people of change.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Willow Smith's Video: Whip My Hair.

Willow Smith's new music has been released and it is really good. Her new song, Whip my Hair has amazing lyrics and video concept. What her song means is to be yourself and do not let anyone stop you. Willow Smith is an inspiration because she is very talented and young. Also, she is the daughter of Will Smith, which is also a great inspiration to me as an artist. Have Fun. Be Fun. Never Give up. Just Whip you hair back and forth.


7 Is the number of completion.

My acting academy class and myself watched the movie Se7en a couple of weeks ago. It dealt with evil, consisting of the seven deadly sins in a very interesting concept. Looking back, i realize how society has embedded some of these sins in their lives. It gave me the willingness to look into my life and see if their is any sin that I need to let go off. My eyes were opened wide to the realities of vigilantism and the corrupt nature of many humans. Se7en consisted of academy award winning actors, Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. It was based on a serial killer who, believing to make the world better, murdered someone who was convicted of each sin: Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger and Sloth. The serial killer was played by Kevin Spacey. The movie was very overwhelming, that I felt speechless. Over a brief class discussion, it was interesting to see everyone's reactions and views of the movie.

I hope that everyone as well as myself will try to live life more good. Th opposite of these sins were: Humility, Kindness, Chasity, Patients, Temperance, Diligence and Chairty.

Very important as well is: Faith, Hope. Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance and Prudence.

Monday, November 15, 2010

That's not what you said

They tell you to just BE YOURSELF
Then they JUDGE YOU

This can easily confuse anyone. Growing up, you are always taught to be yourself and not let anyone tell you otherwise. However, when you are criticized for doing so, you get confused as to what you should really do. It almost seems that 'its okay to be yourself, people just have to like it'. That is the same thing as being what others expect you to be. Which is wrong. God made everyone different for a reason and you should make it work for you. When you are a teen, it hits you very hard. We see it alot whether it may be on TV or in real life because it is a very common issue that many people face secretly or out loud.

Am I beautiful?
Am I skinny enough?
Am I popular enough?
Am I cool enough?

Everyone goes through a period where, they are un-sure of who they are. I admit that i have. Sometimes, we wish that we could be someone else or have different traits. There is nothing wrong with losing weight or enhance your beauty with make-up. It's when you do not appreciate who you are, where it becomes a problem.However, it is important that through those tough times, we do not lose respect for ourselves. If we don't respect ourselves how do we expect others to? We are all beautiful, we are all unique and I find that really incredible. There is only one YOU. Always strive to be the best YOU, you can be. Make it worthwhile. I inspire to do the same.

"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naïve. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself." ~Ralph Ellison, "Battle Royal"

Are you Ready?

There is a new teen show coming up soon called the Ultimate Teen Challenge. I am apart of the casting call and i am very excited to find out if i have made it. I have been dreaming of becoming a professional actress and I love performing, so this is a great opportunity to market myself(put myself out there). Some members of Soul Visionary and myself have created our profiles and are determined to get noticed and make our dreams a reality. Today, i recently created a short 30 second video about myself and what i feel would make me entertaining to watch on television. I believe that i am very unique and blessed. I laugh alot and sometimes i can't stop. I am a kind and an adventurous person.Along with creative and fun-loving. I hope that i will receive alot of support. Some of my friends have already made it and i hope that the rest of us will.

If you are interested in the Ultimate Teen Challenge visit this website for more information:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's not what you think

Reality is merely an illusion, ableit a very present one- Albert Einstein

Homelessness isn't always a choice, its an alternative. Our society is wrapped around the idea that homelessness is something we chose to bring upon ourselves, when many people are forced into this lifestyle. Reality is that homelessness can be anyones alternative, you are not immune. But since homelessness isn't always a choice, how do people become homeless? Mrs. Thomas inspired me to explore the topic beyond what society is used to believing. Homelessness has many reasons. Many people become homeless when they have been overwhelmed with certain circumstances. Mainly among teens, events such as abuse, divorce or illness can cause this effect when they are surrounded with an un-supportive family and friends structure. Along with broken homes, is injury and medical illness. Many people become h
omeless because they cannot properly hold done a job because of their ability. However, people who are well treated still find it hard to find a job because they have been held done with medical bills or bad credit history. Furthermore, Mental Illness is also a huge contributer to homelessness. The area of Ossington and Queen has the Largest Mental Health Hospital in Ontario. With this being said, those dealing with this issue, may be able to receive treatment; thus, creating a possible decline in homelessness or potentiality of it in the area. Abusive situations has been said to be a popular reason for homeless women as a means of escaping. Though, there are many reasons for ones decision to be homeless, we should no longer view the issue as a means of bad choices, but lives given no choice. I met a young man, who appeared to be homeless or struggling of the sort. He was very kind. He shares his poetry for free and performed his latest poem. He was accepting donations and i graciously gave me what I could. People stereotype, homeless people as dangerous and mean. There may be those out there, but not all of them has to be have that way,they could actually be very friendly. If we have homeless people out there, who have the potential at success we should aspire for change. I know i walked away inspired. But, to begin changing the way you think of it and letting those around you know can make a very big difference in society.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


It's the battle between good and evil
and often times people mis-understand what evil really is.
What it is capable of
Where it begins
And until you see it for yourself, experience it
You will find that it is incredible wicked.

Breathtaking, unforgettable, defining would describe the new iconic musical Wicked.

Wicked is based on the untold story of the witches of Oz. Growing up, I have always loved the Wizard of Oz and it still remains one of my favorites. I grew up knowing the songs and singing along and know I have some knew songs to add as well. Seeing this play was a dream come true and a blessing. I was able to see everything better in perspective, i was drawn into the moment which called for some tears. This play was not only a wonderful reminder of my childhood memories, it reminded me about life and having the determination to overcome. Good and evil came head to head and of course, good won. Wicked is by far my favorite play. I was reminded of why i love being an actress. It reminded my of how much i love to act, perform and be in the moment for television and theater. It was inspirational and uplifting. Wicked is about people coming into your life for a special reason that can change your soul and make you a better person. 'Who can say if I've been changed for the better?But because I knew you I have been changed for good' ( Wicked soundtrack- for good). This song is beautiful and i give god thanks for the people in my life and for being in theirs. I give god thanks for Wicked!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The dream, will come true

Fairytale's are inspirational and innocent. They remind me of child like innocence that every artists should hold onto. Fairytale's sparks imagination, beliefs and wonders. You can make yourself believe that you have the power to fly, to be a princess and to have an adventure. Growing up, classic fairytale's were one of my favorites and they still are. One can never be to old to no longer watch and share a fairytale or two. The classical Disney fairytale's such as Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty are examples of some of my favourites. They all have a message about believing in yourself, continue dreaming, and hold onto those dreams. They show that anything is possible and i will always hold those message close to my heart. The dream that you wish will come true