Monday, February 22, 2010

Your best is good enough

hands2.jpg image by rudeman47

Second Chances?

An opportunity to do better.

I would take it.

It is great when we have the opportunity to have a second chance to achieve something. It makes us feel like what ever was done previously can be improved and no longer be regretted. For me i am giving a second chance to do something over again and make it better than it was before. Sometimes, things do not go the way we want it to go. Such is life. I learned that today. One of my inspirations told me today that 'we can not always be on the mountain top. Sometimes, we have to be the valley. Today i felt like the valley. Since, i was not satisfied with what i have achieved i began to realize how successful other people were. This in turn made me feel bad. I was also told by the same person that 'we should not be jealous of others but, be happy for them.' That is what i had to tests myself on today. Feeling like the person that did not accomplish what was intended can be very hard. But, i believe that everything happens for a reason.

This situation caused me to not think about myself but, to think of others. It feels good. To applaud someone and realize that this is their time to shine and mine will come in due time. You see, i have been given another chance to make things better. It is just up to me if i feel ready enough to do so.

I know that it is within me. It can be hurtful when your true potential does not get to show the way you know it can.

I gave it my best at the time. I know that there is more ahead. I just have to be patient and still be grateful for what i offered. It is better than nothing at all.


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