Monday, February 22, 2010


Sometimes, we feel that an end is near.

An ending of something great.

For me, i try not to believe that. I like to be a positive thinker. One who strives on faith and hope. The last week of January tested me on such. For what it apart of my life now is a blessing. A blessing that i prayed for numerous times, but never knew where it would be found. This blessing is what i would like to call FAMILY. This family, consists of real friends. For a long while i have been struggling with finding true friends. People that would uplift me, support me and always make me feel trusted. Discovering these friends is what made me realize what true friendship really was. Thus, allowing me to see previous friendships for what they really are: Hindrances. Hindering me from real happiness, growth and acceptance. Making me all the more stronger to walk away from "friendships" that i had before. A time comes for all of us to be a little separated from each other, which i feel like I and others may not be ready for. But, i believe that i can, we can be strong in this temporary change. For me, i have never had such real friends and being parted from there scares me. But, i know that God put them in my life for a reason. I believe that we will always be together to build upon what we have already; learning and growing from each other. I know that we will work with each other again and make our dreams come true together. Never have a felt so sure about my friendships until i met them. Know, i can truly say i have the right people in my life.

I feel happy

I feel proud

I feel ecnouraged

I feel accepted

I feel loved

I feel blessed...

my prayers have been answered.

It is not the end, it is a new beginning.

A brand new chapter soon to unfold.

I love you so much.


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