Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dream in White

Amongst the chaos; is a discovery waiting to be revealed. That revealing is me. When i look at the picture (above) i think of myself standing out of a vast sea of people. For me, the sense of being different is one that i know is a blessing. The same is not what interests people and catches their attention; it is the new that brings that feeling. To see what has not been seen, to say what has never been said and to be where people dream of being is powerful. With that said, i know that the opinions of others towards me and the opinions of myself are two different things. In society, this revealing is good; however, certain people see it as a threat. A threat that can cause one to feel like they can not rise to the standards that seem to be better than theirs. For this , is what causes negativity, put downs and exclusion. The objective: to make those who are different think they are not worth acknowledgement. The truth is you are worth it.

As touched on early, others can have many different opinions and views of you and what is done. But, where the opinions and the views really matter are the ones that rest in your heart. That is where true happiness lies. Remembering that you can offer something unique to the world is inspiring. That inspiration drives success; success i along with many others wish to experience. The color white is defined as bright; like a light shinning. In a large society, i am standing out. Im standing out in white.


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